Flexonics.org |
Last Updated: 25-06-2008 | Partners Area |
Project OverviewINTRODUCTIONFor many years the revolutionary silicon technology ruled over industries and patents, fast and compact PCs, electronics that make our life easier, renewable energy devices etc. But silicon has its own potentials. Today it has reached its lower limits, making scientists and industries to look for a better and cheaper technology. A technology that can handle with people’s needs.
MISSIONFLEXONICS mission is to develop the required material systems, processes & their process control for the production of transparent flexible encapsulation materials for the new generation of FEDs, with emphasis to the ultra-barrier films, and will link the traditional r2r polymer film conversion industry & current optoelectronics industry. GOALSFLEXONICS goals are to develop:
PROJECT CHARACTERISTICSDuration: 39 months Contract Type: Specific Targeted Research Project Project Reference: NMP3-CT-2005-013883 |
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